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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Thats all folks!

Thanks to all the folk that have visited my wee blog over the years. Sadly, due to various personal reasons culminating in a health issue that has landed me in hospital ( for some time) I won't be updating this blog again. Take care and watch your health.


  1. Blimey, Paul. I'm very sorry indeed to hear of your health issues. Best wishes for a swift recovery. I'll miss looking out for your "Top 10" recommendations while you focus on the road to recovery. All the very best, Ian

  2. And obviously I second B's sentiments above. Hopefully you'll be on the mend before you know it, and perhaps return to blogging when you're better. All the best, McS.

  3. Get better Amigo. You are missed. Best wishes.

  4. That's not great to hear. I hope that, whatever it is that's afflicting you, you manage to make a full recovery. Best wishes, Paul.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Wishing you a full and swift recovery, McScotty 🙏🏻

  7. Thanks for all your efforts on this blog, Paul, and best wishes for the future!

  8. Thank you for all your kind messages guys, they are appreciated. I'm sure I'll still leave the odd rambling messages on SDC, Crivens, Dojo etc. once I'm feeling better and I am more mobile .

    LM ; All the best when you are back in hospital.


  9. Take care, McScotty. May your recovery be quick and complete. See you over at SDC...

  10. Very sorry to hear that, Paul. Take care, mate, and I hope you feel better soon.

  11. Thanks Simon and Red. I'm now home a bit quicker than planned and making process after my heart attack.

    1. I didn't realise you'd had a heart attack, McS, I thought it might be something else. I hope it wasn't any of my Babes of the Day that helped bring it on, but hope you make a full recovery whatever caused it.

    2. Hi Paul. I'm glad to hear you're out of hospital and on the road to recovery. Look after yourself, mate. All the best.

  12. Thanks Kid. Not your "babes" more long hours at work , stress , worry etc - but I'm on the rlog road to recovery. Thankfully my better half insisted I go to hospital and not go for a lie down, as i wanted to do as that stopped a potential second attack.

  13. Glad to hear that you're on the road to recovery, Paul. I hope that you have the opportunity to ease up on those long hours and reduce work stress. We all think we're still teenagers with the resilience of youth and it ain't so, unfortunately.

  14. So true Ian. Not long till I retire so I will be taking it easy once I return to work.


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