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Sunday, December 24, 2023

Best of British: Christmas covers

Back in the mid-1960s to early 1970's one of the many things that heralded the coming of the Christmas holidays were the weekly British comics with their Christmas themes and snow ladened logos. As a child these were my favourite comics, it’s just a pity that the "traditional" British comic book has all but been assigned to the history books as they were great fun. Below are some of my favourite Christmas comic covers from a time that now seem long gone.
Above: One of my all time favourite British comic strip "Frankie Stein" by the legendary Ken Reid. This strip is form the 1964 Christmas issue of "Wham!".
I hope you all have a great Christmas and all the best for 2024.


  1. The Marvel weeklies usually had a Christmas-themed back cover. I especially remember the 1976 back covers which showed Captain Britain in the centre with Spider-Man and the Hulk standing on either side of him and other Marvel characters in the background (including a gorilla because Planet Of The Apes was still part of Marvel just about). I liked that 1976 Christmassy back cover so much that I stuck it on my bedroom wall every Christmas for several years afterwards.

    1. I seem to remember that one Colin though not 109%. I only have around 60 UK Marvels left, most been used up on here

  2. Funny now to think that Wham! #185 was only two issues away from expiry, with it being merged into Pow! three weeks later.

    CJ, as you know, that cover is on my blog, so you could copy it, print it out, and have it to put up on your wall for evermore.

    Ho ho ho!

    1. I'm more stunned how long ago Wham! etc were originally published Kid, we say this a lot, but seriously where did the time go?

    2. I must ask myself that question practically every day, McS.


      Your local library will have one, CJ.

  3. Great holiday images! I am especially taken with that Hulk cover where the Sandman gets a multi-colored revision to his standard green outfit. It's mesmerizing. I'm not sure what's going on with his hair though. Merry Christmas!

  4. When i first saw that cover i thought it was awful. But fair to say it has grown on me Rip Have a great Christmas

  5. Thanks Steve, hope you had a great Christmas


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